

Lily Allen--Littlest Things

... 发表于 2006-7-25 12:43  ... 8184 次点击



                                                                              The littlest things

Lily Allen--Littlest Things

sometimes i find myself sittin" back and reminiscing
especially when i have to watch other people kissin"
and i remember when you started callin" me your miss"s
all the play fightin", all the flirtatious disses
i"d tell you sad stories about my childhood
i dont why i trusted you but i knew that i could
we"d spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt
i was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt

dreams, dreams
of when we had just started things
dreams of you and me
it seems, it seems
that i can"t shake those memories
i wonder if you have the same dreams too.

the littlest things that take me there
i know it sounds lame but its so true
i know its not right, but it seems unfair
that the things are reminding me of you
sometimes i wish we could just pretend
even if for only one weekend
so come on, tell me
is this the end?

drinkin" tea in bed
watching dvd"s
when i discovered all your dirty grotty magazines
you take me out shopping and all we"d buy is trainers
as if we ever needed anything to entertain us
the first time that you introduced me to your friends
and you could tell i was nervous, so you held my hand
when i was feeling down, you made that face you do
no one in the world that could replace you

21岁的Lily Allen是英国喜剧演员Keith的女儿,极具音乐天赋的她这个夏天正式进军流行歌坛。她自己写词,能够熟练运用不同音乐元素,从POP,HIP-HOP,甚至DANCE等,都是她的拿手好戏。在众多的音乐媒体眼中,Lily Allen看起来将是下一位有实力的英国女歌手。

    她的首张唱片《Alright Still》可以说是她真正迈入流行乐坛的成绩单。不过似乎现在就可以证明是优秀的。主打单曲《LDN》和《Alfie》自发布以来在电台排行榜位居前列,网络下载量也都超过了30万次。其余Lily亲自创作的歌曲《Not Big》,《Knock Em Out》也有不俗的表现。同时,结合MySpace个人音乐BLOG的发布,专辑未上市,就成为歌迷的最爱。通过各方面的合作及宣传,这张《Alright Still》被称为2006年最具魅力及市场价值的流行专辑。

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#1 - 2006-7-25 17:54
Sai 桂林

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