

Costello music

... 发表于 2007-6-22 08:42  ... 9594 次点击

        不记得上一个来自英国苏格兰的乐队是什么,不过可以肯定The Fratellis是现在苏格兰最被看好的indie团体,已经有评论把他们和The Libertines相提并论了,不过我还是觉得The Fratellis的音乐更加接近于获得Mercury音乐大奖的Arctic Monkeys。The Fratellis来自英国苏格兰的格拉斯哥,就是有着著名的流浪者队的格拉斯哥,一共由三人组成的他们在2005年的时候签约了Island,然后就慢慢开始建立起自己的歌迷队伍,时下他们正和Kasabian一起巡回演出,根据成员的名字判断,三人不是亲兄弟就是表兄弟。新专辑Costello Music也就在这个时候发行了,和所有的一发行的专辑一样,所有的封套都是使用20世纪的宣传画中女性的形象。他们在今年六月发行的第一首单曲Henrietta打进了英国单曲榜的前20名,这可是一个非常值得炫耀的成绩,虽然之前也有EP发行,但正是这首歌曲让The Fratellis成为了今年最让人期待发行专辑的新近乐队,Henrietta集合了英国indie音乐的一切优点,catchy,俏皮和别具一格。他们的第二首单曲Chelsea Dagger是一首娴熟的indie歌曲,既有Henrietta的那种青春也有老将般的细腻,这首歌曲听上去也可以感觉到一些The Arctic Monkeys的味道,也许主唱Jon Fratelli和Artic Monkeys的Alex Turner有着过于相似的嗓音,这首歌曲成为了英国单曲榜的第五名,同时他们的上一首单曲也重新回到了排行榜的前75名。忘记Artic Monkeys吧,我们现在有了一支货真价实的新近英国乐队。


Chelsea Dagger

Well you must be a girl with shoes like that
she said you know me well
I seen you and little Steven and Joanna
Round the back of my hotel oh yeah
Someone said you was asking after me
But I know you best as a blagger
I said tell me your name is it sweet?
She said my boy it's dagger oh yeah
I was good she was hot
Stealin' everything she got
I was bold she was over the worst of it
Gave me gear thank you dear
bring yer sister over here
Let her dance with me just for the hell of it
Well you must be a boy with bones like that
She said you got me wrong
I would've sold them to you
If I could've just have kept the last of my clothes on
Call me up take me down with you
When you go I could be your regular belle
And I'll dance for little Steven and Joanna
Round the back of my hotel oh yeah
I was good she was hot
Stealin everything she got
I was bold she was over the worst of it
Gave me gear thank you dear
bring yer sister over here
Let her dance with me just for the hell of it
Chelsea Chelsea I believe that when your dancing
Slowly sucking your sleeve
That all the boys get lonely after you leave
And it's one for the Dagger
and another for the one you believe
Chelsea I believe that when your dancing
Slowly sucking your sleeve
That all the boys get lonely after you leave
And it's one for the Dagger
and another for the one you believe

[ 本帖最后由 黑轩 于 2007-6-22 09:01 编辑 ]


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