

too close for comfort

... 发表于 2006-9-6 15:12  ... 9759 次点击

晚上看了部叫做just my luck的碟...没什么特别的感受,拍得不错...适合转凉的天气去听!.....

歌曲:too close for comfort
歌手:mcfly 专辑:wonderland
mcfly - too close for comfort
album: wonderland

i never meant the things i said
to make you cry
can i say i'm sorry
it's hard to forget
and yes i regret
all these mistakes
i don't know why you're leaving me
but i know you must have your reasons
there's tears in your eyes
i watch as you cry
but it's getting late
was i invading in on your secrets
was i too close for comfort
you're pushing me out
when i'm wanting in
what was i just about to discover
when i got too close for comfort
driving you home
guess i'll never know
remember when we scratched our names into the sand
and told me you loved me
but now that i find
that you've changed your mind
i'm lost for words
and everything i feel for you
i wrote down on one piece of paper
the one in your hand
you won't understand
how much it hurts to let you go
i got too close for comfort
all this time you've been telling me lies
hidden in bags that are under your eyes
and when i asked you i knew i was right
but if you turn your back on me now
when i need you most
but you just let me down, down, down
would you think about what you're about to do to me
and back down...
(yeh yeh yeh)

年轻气旺的小伙子,充满阳光的朝气、像似用不完的旺盛精力、展现出过人的创作才华与炫耀十足的舞台表演,这就是轰炸全英国,快速窜起的飞行部队McFly/小飞侠!在盛产偶像的英国乐坛,曾缔造出一组组令人骄傲、站上国际音乐舞台上的优质团体,不断薪火相传到2004年。还记得穿着垮裤、玩着滑板、肆无忌惮的飙奏流畅庞克声浪而造成骚动的Busted/霸子,接连两张成功的专辑,为偶像框框谱入更具摇滚兴味的正点节拍;而曾参与霸子第二张专辑「A Present For Everyone」里头数首畅销单曲创作的McFly 乐团主脑Tom Flechtcher(汤姆),也决定自己跳上台前,跟他的好兄弟们:Danny Jones(丹尼)、Dougie Poynter(道基)及Harry Judd(哈利)四位平均年龄才17岁的小男生组合成--McFly! 让我们追溯到故事发生的起源--2001年,其实Tom在NME音乐周报诚征乐团广告栏中,差一点入选霸子的团员,虽然不幸败给Charlie,但Tom仍然以个人姿态签给Busted的经纪人,并与James合写歌曲;这时Tom与音乐好伙伴Danny也开始着手组织乐团,并在伦敦接些现场表演机会,且再度借助NME音乐周报征寻乐手,之后陆续加入了志同道合的Dougie及Harry。四个人虽然正值年轻好动的青春期,但他们相当坚决地把做好音乐当成追求目标,不惜辛劳的努力练团、创作,他们住在一起、生活在一起,习惯对方的一举一动,彼此照应与包容,当然免不了来场肢体、食物大战……! 终于时机成熟,McFly带着首张专辑【Room On The 3rd Floor/三楼飞行屋】,满载快乐能量的乘胜追击,延续霸子流行庞克摇滚火力!果然先发单曲"5 Colours In Her Hair",空降并蝉连全英金榜双周冠军宝座,这首带着玩笑意味的流畅庞克曲,灵感出自一出青少年肥皂剧「As If」,Tom和Danny觉得剧中女主角头染五彩怪发加上唇环,正点程度比她身穿正式服装接受访谈来得吸引人,十足展现爱搞怪的Danny独特审美观;再接再厉发行的第二波单曲"Obviously",再度空降英国流行单曲榜冠军,实在不能忽视McFly的超惊人魅力!打铁趁热的在两首单曲推波助澜下发行专辑,McFly相当争气的攻上全英专辑榜冠军,顶着三冠王的耀眼纪录,让McFly跃跃欲试的勇闯国际舞台!11首从头到尾令你停不下来的节奏,让年轻的你,畅快过瘾的与McFly欢乐起舞;离年轻稍远的你,突破防线再次体验年轻带出的无限欢愉!

[ 本帖最后由 黑轩 于 2006-9-6 15:14 编辑 ]


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