

用Wii遥控 Win XP!~~~

... 发表于 2007-5-8 11:35  ... 12180 次点击

话说Sai君入手了1只 Wii...不知道玩的如何了

只要你的电脑的操作系统是Win 2000或者Win XP, 并且有蓝鸭功能, 就可以把Wii的遥控接上电脑!


GolvePIE(Glove Programmable Input Emulator) 就可以实现wii - PC 的遥控了~!!

GlovePIE 本身并不知道Wii, 它是用脚本驱动硬件的. 有了脚本, 不光是Wii, 就连头戴式轨迹器 也可以驱动, 还有一系列 比如输入手套 等非主流的输入设备也可以在PC上使用 http://www.vrealities.com/


本主题共有 4 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2007-5-8 11:40
bkbk 土星
文章是在杂志上抄的   APC 07年5月刊 第80页
use the wii remote on your pc

playing games on your pc normally means using a keyboard, mouse, perhaps a joystick or a gamepad. and that normally works just fine, but why should you just stop therer?

with some help from a program called GlovePIE (glove programmable input emulator), you can use head trackers such as TrackIR (www.naturalpoint.com/trackir ), virtual reality gloves, such as P5(www.vrealities.com/p5.html ), and even Nintendo's Wii Remote, whether or not the games themselves would normally accept them. There's surprisingly little effort invoved in making this work, just as long as you've got a suitable PC which is Bluetooth-enable, with DirectX 8 or later, and running windows2000 or xp.

Start by downloading a copy of GlovePIE (http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/glovepie ), then unzip the file into a folder of your choice and run it - there's nothing to install.

GlovePie doesn't know anything about the wii remotes itself, but relies on scripts to get everthing working. you'll find a suitable script at Vkapadia (http://www.vkapadia.com/wii/windows.php ).
Click File> Open in GlovePIE to load the script. and that's it.

you should now be able to use the wii remote - or whatever other device is handled by the script - as a mouse, in windows, games, or any other application you like


[ 本帖最后由 bkbk 于 2007-5-8 20:18 编辑 ]
#2 - 2007-5-8 12:45
Sai 桂林
#3 - 2007-5-8 18:22
bkbk 土星
#4 - 2007-5-11 20:00
crossyang 地球

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