

Telepopmusik - Breathe

... 发表于 2007-6-6 02:45  ... 10362 次点击

        Telepopmusik是支初登电子乐界的新贵。是由三个法国TECHNO狂人所组成的(Fabrice Dumont、Stephan Haeri以及Christophe Hetier)。而目前Telepopmusik几乎就是诱惑和迷人的代名词,是当前电子乐坛的新宠儿。他们的音乐挟带着一种诱死人不偿命的甜美女声向我们袭来。而其中那些悠静、冰冷、明晰的电子旋律以及仿佛来自混沌时空的微妙舞曲鼓点,更成火上浇油之势,仿佛要一下子将你带入天堂和人间的过渡层。
        telepopmusik的首张专辑\"genetic world" 在2002年推出时即在主流乐界博得了满堂彩,当中的一曲"Breathe"更成为Mitsubishi Outlander SUV和标致307的广告歌, 而"Breathe"中Angela Mccluskey清冷却又感性无比的声音理所当然的迷倒了一大片乐迷.



I brought you something close to me,
Left for something you see though your here.
You haunt my dreams
There’s nothing to do but believe,
Just Believe.
Just Breathe.

Another day, just believe,
Another day, just breathe
Another day, just believe,
Another day. Just breathe.

I’m used to it by now.
Another day, just believe.
Just breathe. Just believe.
Just breathe.
Lying in my bed,
Another day, staring at the ceiling.

Just breathe. Another day.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
I’m used to it by now.
I’m used to it by now.
Just breathe. Just believe.
Just breathe. Just believe.
Just believe. Just breathe.
Just believe.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
Another day, just believe,
Another day, just breathe,
Another day (I do believe).
Another day(so hard to breathe)
Another day(not so hard to believe)
Another day. Another day.


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